We accommodate skills ranging from beginner to expert. You get to decide if you would prefer to play at a just-for-fun recreational level or a fight-for-every point competitive level.
Recreational Play:
- Players who wish to learn the game or develop their skills.
- Players who prefer less aggressive, slower paced, more leisurely play.
- Players at this session should expect partners and opponents to play within these parameters.
Competitive Play:
- Players who are completely familiar with the game.
- Players who enjoy both strategic slower pace as well as aggressive fast paced play.
- Players at this session should expect their partners and opponents to play every shot for the win, as though it is tournament play.
Obviously, there will be different skill levels on each type of court. You are welcome to play on any court you choose, realizing the type of play there.
Court Etiquette:
Please be considerate of other players! We all want to play and we are all at different levels of skill.
Along with the rules suggested below, please be welcoming to our new players and players of different skill levels. It helps everyone’s game to play with higher level players. That means at times you will play with players of less skill. Use this time to help them and also to work on your “softer” shots. The goal is to make play fun for all!
Please put your paddle in the holder on the court you wish to play on! That will let those players know that you want to play there. At the end of the game, those first two paddle/players will enter the game. If you don’t have a paddle down by a court, players may assume you are resting at the side lines and are not ready to play.
2 In – 2 Out Rule:
If all courts are in use and there are people waiting to play, we will follow the 2 in – 2 out rule. When a game is over, the losers will leave the court. When new players enter to play, the winners would split unless agreed upon by all players to stay together. Try to “level” out the player skill on both sides.
When this game is over, the losers would leave, as well as any player(s) who has played two consecutive games. This system will insure that no one should have to wait too long to play, and players will be able to play multiple games during the daily playing period if they desire.
If courts are very crowded:
We will work on this as we go, but when courts are very busy, it may be declared that games should only go to the score of 9.
We may also declare 4 in 4 out. All four players would leave the court so four more can come in.
Your comments!
We welcome input from our members. If you have suggestions regarding Recreational and Competitive play, or any other item, please talk to a committee member.