1700 Primrose Dr. (Entrance located at the intersection of McClain and Primrose in Cedar Falls.)
June 6-8 Hartman Summer Showcase Tournament
Registration begins April 1 pickleballtournaments.com
We are a fun-loving group that enjoys meeting new people! We play most mornings at Orchard Hill Park starting at 7:00 AM until we can’t play anymore!! (around 11:00). There are usually people playing in the evenings starting around 5:00.
Because of the contributions of many club members to our 2023-2024 capital campaign and support from the City of Cedar Falls, we now have 16 dedicated pickleball courts, courtside benches, a new shelter and patio, a paved and expanded parking lot, and a storage room at Orchard Hill Park! The first eight courts were dedicated in October 2018, and it took only a couple of years before the club realized eight were not going to be enough. Club members were surveyed in early 2022, an ad hoc committee was formed, and the planning began. Our Building on Great dream has come true thanks to the many people who contributed—those who contributed financially and those who spent hours making it all happen.
On Friday, October 26, 2024, we concluded our successful campaign with a ribbon cutting ceremony and celebration organized by our awesome Social Committee. Club members were not the only ones to turn out for the event; family members and friends, community members, city staff, elected city officials, and “celebrity” pickleball players were also in attendance. Kudos to all who helped make our Building on Great dream a reality!
Come get Pickled in the Cedar Valley! Click here if you want to become a member! Or feel free to “Contact Us” with questions.